About Me

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

If I had money to buy someone a gift who would it be?

I would buy my best friend Gina a Cannon camera because I know she really wanted one and she takes awesome pictures and videos and the cannon is really great for doing that. Also I think it would be nice coming from me and we would have fun taking videos and some creative pictures.

Monday, January 9, 2017

If I had a Job at Golf what would it be?

I would like to be a English Teacher and teach 8th graders I would be good at it because I love writing and I think it would be fun  teaching kids how to write. Also doing reading activities  also as a teacher I would like to coach the cheer team or volleyball team would be awesome to do.
What my Name means?

Kameryn some people spell it different like cameron but a girly way is to spell with a K. My dad picked my name and my mom spell it. It was first used as a name in America the first part of the name kam means bent
a interesting fact its a common name in America.