About Me

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Dear 5th grade self

The advice I wold give myself going into middle school would be have fun and don´t worry to much. I would also tell my self that next year in 8th grade I will have  a lot of fun and make a lot of friends at my new school.I would also say to study a lot and do all my homework and never give up. Always try your best because middle school flies by pretty fast, so enjoy it while it lasts. Its a lot different but middle school is fun and you try your best and you have a little more freedom.

you future self 

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

                                                   Endings and new beggings

       I would like to end my 8th grade year by being strong, having good grades, and staying close to my friends at GMS.  GMwas a lot of fun, and I'm going to miss it. That means Summer is coming, and my goal for that is to have a lot of fun with my friends, go on adventures, try new things, and read some new books.  I will try to make myself ready for highschool as much as possible.